Friday, December 30, 2011

our forerunner

met a friend on my way home today, and we were talking and sharing.

she asked me, is it tough being a cell group leader…

i told her, yes and no.

i said, honestly, when God calls us, He never promised us it will be easy. it is not just about being a CGL. the fact is, to do anything for God, it is difficult.

but i told her, one of my greatest satisfaction and fulfilment, is to see people live out God’s best for their lives. I wish that they would see, how I live my life, they can follow after my footsteps and see that they can have this too.

I shared with her… the way our pastors and leaders live their lives… we follow after them…. just like Jesus is our forerunner… that is why Paul says, imitate me as I imitate Christ.

but one of the toughest thing honestly? is not to give up.

how… when people make mistakes, you just keep showing grace… keep showing grace… keep showing grace…

when you feel that you have already come to the end of yourself, you just keep showing grace, keep loving, keep believing, keep sowing, keep praying… and never give up.



sometimes you feel like what you say don’t matter.

sometimes you feel like giving up.

sometimes you feel like it’s pointless.

but you just got to keep on believing, keep on fighting, keep on keeping on.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thoughts this Christmas

So many thoughts running through my head as i wake this morning.

Frustrations and restlessness in my soul.

The kind of  frustration, wishing things will turn out your way, but you know life is never perfect.

you deal with imperfect people, imperfect situations, imperfect world, and an imperfect life.

but sometimes, you honestly wish, things can change for the better. Honestly.

That one will make a right decision.

That one will live worthy of his/her calling in life.

That one will not take what he/she has for granted.

That one will live out God’s fullest for their life.

That one will meet Jesus and their lives be changed.

Oh God, just living out your perfect will for us.

That will be awesome.
