Wednesday, December 05, 2012

A Clean Breast

I stumbled upon Theresa’s blog one or two years back… (I could not even remember how and when!) But I was very touched by her posts that were so candid yet brutally honest about her fight with cancer.

When I knew she wrote a book and released it, I was so excited and eager to get hold of one! (Especially when I love reading real life stories; how inspiring they always are)

I finished it in one night, captivated by her account of how she emerged from her battle with cancer.

She is one courageous person, and it is amazing how God uses our lives to be a blessing and inspiration to others.

If you know of someone battling with cancer, or someone with a loved one facing cancer, I honestly recommend you to grab the book!

It’s such a good read!!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thoughts on recent strike by PRC drivers

Much talk has been going around regarding the strike PRC drivers went on a few days ago. It is a first in many years for our Singapore society, obviously stirring up quite a storm in our supposedly-peaceful society.

Just wanted to pen down some thoughts I have, but I am of course no social analyst, but personally I do feel for the PRC drivers. It was said that lines of communications are open, perhaps in formality, but honestly, where and how can these drivers fend for their rights?


I have been reading some articles, and i do agree with many of them that say these workers have little bargaining power. For these people, it is almost seen as a “privilege” to be able to come to Singapore and work here. If you are not happy with what you are getting, you can jolly well leave this job and go somewhere else. 

So much more is needed to be done for these labour workers in Singapore, really.

Saturday, November 17, 2012










Intricate balance.




Thursday, November 08, 2012

heavy, bulky, bloated, clumsy and…?

thankful. (:

Now at week 27, going on to 28, I am starting to feel really pregnant and bulky. Feeling a little clumsy and that my skin is super stretched…

But just really thankful.

Today is the first time i experienced water retention in such a real way! my fingers and toes were swollen when i woke up, it was so bad that I could not really move my fingers in the morning… they felt too tight. My toes looked so bloated…

I think what is the most exciting at this stage… is not just feeling the baby move… but "seeing” the baby move! Not that u can see it with your naked eye… but the baby moves so much nowadays, i can see my clothes moving when she moves! She will jerk and if I am resting anything on my tummy, my hand will jerk as well. That is a very thrilling feeling… Hahaha…

Counting my blessings… Smile

Thursday, October 04, 2012

week 22








to be a lover of His presence. (:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Every blog entry is a musing in process.

I was thinking what to name this post, only to realise, every entry i post up, is a musing in process.

Had an amazing leaders’ meeting with Pst YK last night at YMCA, and I am still soaking in the presence from last night. 2 verses that God placed in my heart.. that is still resounding in my mind.

Ex 33:13 Show me Your way… that I may know You…

Moses prayed.

It came as a revelation to me yesterday..

Many times we pray, God show me Your way. But how many people pray… God show me Your way, that I may know You?

We pray for the will of God… but what is our motive?

Show me Your way… not for my success… not for my ministry… not for my vision… but show me Your way, so that I may know You.

I want to walk in Your will, so that I may know You.

The former has always been my prayer… but the latter… came as a revelation yesterday.

Was reminded of what Pastor Tan shared with us last week.

God brings us to mountaintops… and through valleys… so that we may know Him in a greater way.

发现到上帝常常让我经历一些看似孤单的日子… 这些时候,也叫我更亲近祂,更认识祂。

Friday, August 31, 2012

Musings.. Walking w God

Thoughts i have been having recently, or perhaps even in the past one or two years.

When we first started out as a believer, life was really simple. It's easy to have someone to fall back on, right and wrong seems so clear cut, following God was a simple affair.

As i progress more in this journey, i find that the hearts of man are so deep, sometimes u really wonder... N u start to realise man are fallible. People u know or thought u know are no longer the people u know... We learn that no man is perfect, and only God is. And i find that.. The line between right and wrong is so thin, it's so difficult to tell sometimes, what is right and what is wrong. What is of God and what is not of God.

And i am learning to navigate through all these. Today Pastor Tan shared something.. He said that sometimes in our walk with God, it gets lonely, because God is teaching us to trust in Him totally. That struck a chord in my heart. I do find that this route gets lonely sometimes, and it is indeed difficult to find like-minded people. And sometimes, when i look at things around me, i wonder, God what is ur will in the midst of all these? Ultimately i find that what i am really interested in is not what man thinks, but i want to know His heart, His ways, i want to have His perspective. How do u look at a matter, a person, that is ultimately what i am concerned about...

Just some thoughts as i watch things unfold around me.

No wonder all the great men of God prayed n said.. God show me ur heart.. Show me ur ways.. Show me ur paths...

The greatest place to be is to be in the centre of the will of God.

Monday, July 30, 2012

my 26th birthday

Before i knew it, my 26th birthday had come and passed me by. Strangely, after I got attached and married, and as my life streamlined, birthdays had become lesser of such a big thing to me. haha. it's just another day of spending time w family and friends and receiving presents. But as I grow older, presents hold less significance, and relationships hold greater importance. It was just an ordinary day, because it was Emerge weekend, having lunch with my members, interpreting for service and dinner with in-laws.

Maybe it's due to the fact that I am pregnant, I have become more of a homely person, enjoying time at home more than being out. Shopping and being out has become less appealing, perhaps due to the fact that there are less clothes I can buy. Hahahaha.

Anyway, birthdays are always a good time to take stock of our lives.

This one year flew past me (not surprisingly) but it was an amazingly fruitful year.

This time last year, i was still soaking in the bliss of marriage, and was getting used to married life. And one year down the road, I am 3 months pregnant. A friend commented that my life is so well-planned, and it just goes down the typical road. On hindsight, it does. Haha. But it is definitely not intentional, I just learn to take life one step at a time. Although i am looking forward to motherhood, there are many times I wonder if I am really ready for this. Gee. Reality check.

God really took me through many things this year, new friendships, in ministry, it was a whole new level together. I guess the biggest thing i will never forget, is interpreting for Pastor Kong and Mrs Cho on Suntec stage. What a moment. What an encounter. What a privilege.

This emerge, Pastor Kong said, he is just an imperfect vessel that God used to do His perfect will. I am reminded, that I am really a nobody in the hands of Almighty God, doing His will. Life has gone on, from a desire to achieve success, to significance. Will not forget this sentence that Pastor shared.

Looking back, my heart is filled with gratitude. Grateful to God for my super amazing husband who loves me with everything he has, and God for always being with me, taking me this far, my family and in-laws who love me so much, my friends and leaders that I can always lean on. My cg of young people that God has placed in my life and I so love... I am just thankful. Lastly thankful to Him for granting me the desire of my heart, giving me a child.

Looking forward, in this new year... my prayer is of course...

for my pastors and leaders... for full deliverance...

for a healthy baby...

to know Him in a deeper manner.. rebuilding my altar..

thankful for the last 26 yrs, and looking forward to even more glorious yrs ahead.. :)

Saturday, May 05, 2012

What is in your heart?

After attending Chinese Cg yesterday, i was reminded of the word God gave me on 15 April…. When God asked me…

Show me your heart.

What is in your heart today?

Those words struck my heart… and I could not help it… but break down and cried and cried and cried…

I never dared to tell God what is in my heart.

It’s too impossible, it’s too big… and I am too small… too inadequate..

But that day, God put courage in me… i stepped up to the altar and told God… yes i believe you can use me…

In You, I can.

I was reminded of the word again yesterday. And tears overwhelmed me. I could not help myself. I was reminded of how God spoke to me… and less than 1 mth later… i will have a chance interpreting for one of the greatest man of God alive…

Behold what manner of love has our Father bestowed upon us…

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


把眼泪装在心上 会开出勇敢的花
穿过风又绕个弯 心还连着
















Tuesday, April 24, 2012










Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I have always felt burdened for different people, different situations, but this is one period in my life, that i perpetually feel burdened.

Maybe like what Sun shared, i just got to learn to connect people to God, and then Jesus will do the work.

I feel too tired to fight for myself, so let God fight for me.

I wish that God will do all the speaking, all the convicting, so that i can be free from all these things.

Whenever i feel like running away, it’s a bad thing, n that’s exactly what i want to do now. I just wish God will wave his magic wand and everything will be ok. And I can pretend everything did not happen, n it was just all a nightmare.

On retrospect, maybe I am just taking this thing too seriously, and I should learn to lighten up or something.

I feel that I’m not doing what I should do, the spiritual way. but i think i don’t have the courage and strength.

so God, over to You please?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Honeymoon (Taiwan)

While i was preparing a V day present for hubby, i browsed through all our honeymoon photos, and it brought back such fond memories!


Sunrise at 花蓮!

Yilan (3)Yilan (4)







小徑民宿 @ 墾丁



Just some random photos.

Hubby will probably upload all on FB! Smile

Monday, February 06, 2012

complexity vs simplicity

*warning: this is an emo post, just for today.

today i found myself thinking about something…






















Saturday, January 14, 2012

1st post of 2012

Here i am, sitting in my interpreter’s room, the room that I spend a lot of time in, interpreting and encountering God too…

The year 2011 never fails us, and has gone by like a wind.

And 2012 has sneaked up on us quietly.

Every year i get really nostalgic, but amazingly, i did not, and allowed 2012 to just arrive.

Every year i seem to know what it holds, but this year i am still quite clueless. Hahahaha.

And surprisingly, I have no urge to make resolutions. Haha.

But there are desires, thoughts, rantings…

Yesterday I had my boss talk to me… and his sheer concern of me, my work and marriage touched me deeply. I am so blessed.

Today, i finally made it to the gym for the first time in 2012.

As I was listening to 张茂松牧师 on my ipod, he said this…


What a word. What a reminder.

I can only follow after the altar, I can only follow after Him, I am a levite. And I will be contented.

A verse God recently gave me:

Ps 16:5-6., 11

5 O LORD, You are the portion of my inheritance and my cup;
You maintain my lot.
6 The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places;
Yes, I have a good inheritance.

11 You will show me the path of life;
In Your presence is fullness of joy;
At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

(: thank You Jesus.