这两个月不容易,感觉自己的生命停滞不前,感觉我的世界好像come to a standstill,可是却在这段时间里,我看到了上帝丰盛的恩典。今天牧师讲道的一句话让我很感动,他说
Sometimes God speaks to us through His nature more than direct communication.
That is so true...一路来,我不一定听见上帝的声音,但是即使我感觉的是沉默,我依然看见祂如何在我生命动工。生命中的每一步,祂就是那么的信实。
牧师还说了一句话,our confidence doesn't come from the assurance of
the outcome, but it comes from the nature of God... His love for us... His
calling for us... His plan for us... What a comforting thought. I take
confidence and courage in everything in life... because I know He loves me. I
was reminded of the season in my life, when I was fearful I will never get
attached and married, and God revealed to me this deep deep love He had for
me... and He showed me how He has the best in store for me, simply because He
loves me... Such is His love...
Signing out on this last day of July - one of my favorite
months of the year... with overwhelming gratefulness in my heart.
Jesus, thank You for everything, and in the next 30 years of
my life... let me know You and love You more than ever before :)
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