Wednesday, January 21, 2009

my friend showed me an article in financial times, that featured Barack Obama. the subject of this article was about the power of his speech. after i read it, i was encouraged by how Obama would prepare his speech. he spoked about how when his dad spoke, it seemed that the whole family was transformed.

read his speech this morning. i loved the way he directed people to a common vision. how amazing it was that with a 20-min speech, he united the hearts of America together. yes indeed i agree that he is a charismatic leader.

what dr bernard shared then came to my mind. he spoke about change. kairos.

i pray that we would see change, not just in America, but in the whole world.

it is great to see how Americans would unite over a greater goal, and not just for themselves.

We need to live for something, greater than ourselves.

Yes, it is time to put away childish things indeed.

without a vision, the people perish.

given a vision, the people will rise up to the call, and run with it.

i pray that Barack Obama will indeed be a man of his words.

and i want to learn, to inspire others too.

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