Thursday, February 26, 2009

it may sound like just another statement that i make, but i can't help but say, my God is really amazing.

recently He has been answering my prayers in such amazing ways, that i can't help but be dumbfounded.

it is either i m really learning how to pray specifically, or He is trying to tell me sth.

when I pray, i really see His hand at work. and i mean really.

literally unfolds before my eyes.

and He just answered another of my prayers and questions, just like that.

sometimes my God is faster than light. haha.

there was one time that I prayed, that He will be sooooo real to me in my life.

He is answering this prayer too.

Because He has never been so real in my life.

thank You for remembering, and hearing, and answering. You are amazing.

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